January 28 - Arrival in India
It has been a long trip, but I have now arrived in India. I left San Diego during the first quarter of the Super Bowl, and I arrived 20 hours later in Delhi, with a short connection in London. I arrived in the middle of the night and I had a driver waiting for me to get me to my hotel. This was my first experience in a car in India, and this was the first time I ever regretted there were no seat belts on the rear seats of a car... Drivers in Delhi use their horns more than they use their brakes!
Anyhow, I survived this first ride, and I am using the first day in Delhi mostly to rest. I went out for a few hours in the afternoon to see the city, including an Hindu temple, and I also saw a snake charmer. India would not be India without a snake charmer...
I will spend two more nights in Delhi, then I will do a quick tour to Agra to see the Taj Mahal. After that, straight to Rotary business. I want to attend the Meeting of the Rotary Club of Dharamsala on Saturday evening. The rest of the five weeks I am planning to stay in Dharamsala, with only a few short side trips from over there.
There will be a National Immunization Day (NID) on February 9th. This should be a great experience. I had the pleasure to meet with Deepak Kapur, the Chairman of the PolioPlus Campaign in India. I recorded a short video message from him. Click on the image to view it... Check these pages later, I will publish some pictures and video of this event.
I will tell more about Dharamsala soon. I am planning to publish at least one page a week. In the meantime, I wanted to thank Rotarian Dory Beatrice from La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary. I got the contacts for this project through Dory, she has been there many times... She has many more openings for volunteers over there. Who knows, maybe you are next!