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Friday November 12

Arial Weaver
Arial Weaver is a Rotary youth exchange student from Oklahoma, District 6110. She is the first youth exchange student to ever come to District 3070 in India. She arrived last August, and is staying for one year, going to school at the local Tibetan School in Dharamsala. She has been provided accomodations at V.S. Parmar home for the first 4 months, then she will go to the house of Club President Rakesh Rana, then to the house of Club President-elect K.C. Sony. You can see her above on the right with V.S. Parmar's mother.

On November 12, the Hindus celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights and crackers. They organize big celebrations and there are lots of fireworks and crackers at night. I had dinner at V.S. Parmar home.

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