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February 27 - Wrapping-up

More Training
In addition to the training at the monastery, I am providing some computer training to the Rotarians of the Dharamshala Rotary Club. I spend the day at the monastery, then go down to Lower Dharamshala in the evening. I give some real basic training for those who have never touched a computer, and I also did some training on email and the Internet. This will be very useful when they want to do more Matching Grant projects and need to communicate with the International Partner. Email is the easiest way to do so. This means my days have been very busy this week, plenty of non-paid overtime...

The Rotarians invite me for dinner at their homes after the training, so this gives me a great insight to the way people are living here.

Matching Grant
I sent an email about the matching grant project to Bob James Sr. from the La Mesa Sunrise Rotary Club. He just responded that his Club might be interested in funding the $1,150 needed for this project. They have a board meeting next Wednesday, so we will know for sure on March 6, just when I come back to San Diego. In the meantime, I had the grant application printed, and had it signed by the Dharamshala Club President.

When I leave for Delhi next Tuesday, I will stop on the way in Jalandhar. I was invited by the District Governor to spend the night at his home. This will be an opportunity to have the grant application signed also by the District Governor, as he is providing $2,000 from the District funds for this project. Then I will bring the signed paperwork to San Diego and collect the signatures there. All should be done and sent to the Rotary Foundation by March 10.

I only have a few days left in India. Saturday will be my last Rotary Meeting. On Monday, there will be the Tibetan New Year, so I have arranged with the monastery to film the celebrations over there. I will publish one more page on that, then it will be time to leave...

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