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Year in and year out we have many opportunities to donate time, expertise, and money to the programs of The Rotary Foundation. Our district continues to excel in its generosity. We have donated more than $1 Million in the past three years towards Polio Eradication. We give hundreds of thousands of dollars to Annual Giving, the Permanent Fund, matching grants, and community service projects. How proud we should all be.

Believe it or not, not all members remember to plan in advance for their annual giving to Rotary. Life is too busy for most of us but our hearts continue to be in the right place.

Your District Team set the goal this year of Educate, Communicate, and Develop Membership and with each of our efforts we keep this three-pronged approach in mind.

As promised, we are striving to make life a little easier for our members and give them tools to share with all Rotarians and non-Rotarians alike. Easy tools to use are the forms needed to donate to Annual Giving on an automatic-deduction basis or to arrange for the sale of stock without risk of paying taxes. Below you will see links upon which you can click to obtain the three different forms needed. Please take the time to choose which you want to use, complete it and provide a copy to your club’s Foundation chair. These donations go towards our District's Annual Giving programs fund. If you want your donation to go towards a specific project, like a matching grant, please contact your Club Foundation Chair for instructions.

TRF-Direct Brochure (Ongoing credit card or checking)

Stock Contribution form (one time)

You can find more forms, terms and conditions, FAQs, etc. on the download section of the Rotary International website, or on the Annual Programs Fund section.

Again, thank you for your generosity.

PDG Sandi Rimer
District Foundation Chair 2007-10

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